Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Susie Shines

Brian, Spencer, Susie, Jeffery and Larry 


On December 17, 2010, Russell and I attended Commencement at Northern Arizona University, where Susie received a Masters Degree in Education.  She is an amazing person.   She is the first to graduate from college in her family and the first to obtain a Masters Degree.

In 1969, when Debbie was 5, Diane 4 and Peter 6 months old, it was announced at our weekly women's meeting that the church social services were seeking homes for children on the Indian Placement Program.  The purpose was to give children from the reservation the opportunity to learn the gospel by seeing it in action in the home and to gain a good basic education that would be a base for lifetime learning.  I had an immediate confirmation that we should take one of these children.  What a great blessing it turned out to be!  (Here we are visiting the San Diego Zoo.)

We lived on Barkley Street when Susie came to live with us.  Debbie and Diane were happy to have a big sister!

 Rocky Point. (April 1972)
Susie was a great example to the younger children. When Susie set goals, she accomplished them...and  was very efficient in all she did. Debbie watched her and learned.  We love you Susie!!
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